Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Interview Analysis for Humanities

Steven Paul â€Å"Steve† Jobs was an American entrepreneur and inventor, best known as the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs changed the world in technology as we all know and love. This interview is an information gathering type interview as the interviewer is gathering information on Steve Jobs and why he thinks his machine will change the future. I can also say that this interview is also a research interview as the interview provides helpful information to individuals and organizations that they can use to perform effectively based off of the time and era. This interview can still be used today. The interview provided regarding Steve Jobs is a research interview and information gathering interview because of the following purposes of the information gathering interview: 1. To gather information about a job or career area you are considering, so that you can make a sound decision as to whether or not you wish to pursue that career path; 2. To seek advice regarding how you can best prepare to enter or advance in this field/profession; 3. To ask your interviewee for assistance entering or advancing in the field/profession after you have determined that you actually wish to do so; and 4. To request referrals from the interviewee to others in the field/profession that might be valuable contacts for your career search Informational Interviews are a great source for gathering information about an occupation or an industry in which you are currently interested. It is ood to gather information about a job or career area you are considering so, that you can make a sound decision as to whether or not you wish to pursue that career path. For example, I am interested in technology/telecommunications. In choosing an interview to analyze, I wanted to find a role model that I have admired among the years. I chose Steve Jobs because I felt like he was the appropriate figure to obtain information on when it comes to technology. Here are some other key points of an informative interview: * Information interviewing is one of the most effective networking tools * An information interview will give you the awareness you need to choose or refine a career path, learn how to break in and find out if you have what it takes to succeed * It is a meeting that you arrange and lead, asking key questions to working professionals in your field * It gives you a chance to get the â€Å"inside scoop† by actually talking to people in that field * An Information Interview can help you decide which companies or work environments are the best fit for you * Although an information interview is not a job interview, it can help you cultivate your personal contacts and generate or learn of job leads In this interview, what do you think Steve Jobs purpose was? Do you think he was setting himself up for the success of his company? Do you think he knew he was going to become successful. I understand that the interviewees main goal was to find out how Steve Jobs machine was so different however, I felt as if I was there in the room with them understanding and gaining insight on what is to become of the future and technology. I wanted to ask some questions. In the interview chosen, Steve Jobs is conducting an interview regarding â€Å"the machine that change the world. † He is providing his explanation on how his machine is different from the others and how his machine through IBM will change the future. In the content of his message, he is providing detailed explanations as well as telling the who, what, when, and why, he thinks this will change the future. The interview is very informative because Mr. Jobs is fascinated about his project. In the content of his message, he delivers and answers all of the interviewers question with ease. He explains his creation in detail with detailed answers so, the interviewer can understand how well the machine will be efficient. The content of this message can help any business believe in what they are creating or providing. I think that this is what Steve Jobs was trying to accomplish. He wanted to ensure that his audience was in tune with what he believed in. Do you think that Steve jobs posture and tone helped with his presentation? Do you think the way he dressed also played a part of the influence of his audience? These are questions that I asked myself when analyzing the interview as this is a part of the questions needed to ask to ensure that an informative interview is being conducted. As this analysis comes to a close, I would like to go over some do’s and don’ts of informative interviews. Please pay close attention as, I learned this information from Steve Jobs (smile): Before your interview: * When requesting a meeting, explain how you got their names and what you’d like to discuss. * Send a resume. * Confirm the meeting time, and keep it to 30 minutes. During your interview: * Do NOT ask for a job. * Listen carefully, and don’t argue. * Ask for additional contact names, but do not push if the person declines to provide any. * Don’t overextend your welcome, unless the other person invites you to stay past your meeting time. After your interview: * Send a handwritten thank-you note. Keep the person posted on your progress, such as meetings with his or her contacts, where you apply, and where you are accepted. * As soon as you begin graduate business school, send an announcement to your network with your new address, the course o f study you are planning, and the type of internship you hope to obtain. In conclusion, you can gain a lot of knowledge from conducting an informative interview or information gathering interview. Steve Jobs presented a fine show as well as his interviewer because they really demonstrated how to conduct an informative interview. Hopefully, one day I will be in the spotlight to accomplish the same except, I will be in the same spot Steve Jobs was. References 1. http://www.careerbuilder.com/Article/CB-481-Getting-Ahead-How-Does-an-Informational-Interview-Work 2. http://shiftingcareers.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/29/mastering-the-informational-interview/ 3. http://jobsearch.about.com/cs/infointerviews/a/infointerview.htm 4. http://www.quintcareers.com/informational_interviewing.html

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