Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Unit 4 Essay

Unit 4 assignment instructions This week, our writing assignment focuses on individual definitions of happiness. For this writing assignment, you will prepare and conduct interviews with two people about their definition of happiness, how they gained this view, and whether they feel happiness is achievable. Choose two people who vary in age and experience. Only one of the subjects can be someone you know well. This is an opportunity to learn about acquaintances and strangers as well. These should be face-to-face interviews.Introduce this assignment by introducing each subject one at a time. Who are they? What is the nature of your relationship? Next, ask a variety of questions to get them to consider not just their definition of happiness, but its origins and development. You can use these sample questions to get you started, but should add more questions or change the interview as it develops: Has your definition of happiness changed over time? What experiences have influenced your definition? Do you expect the definition to change again?Follow the Unit 4 template for this assignment in DocSharing. It includes submitting a transcript of your interviews, including your questions, so take notes or record the discussion. Finally, you should draw conclusions about the process and the answers that were given. Compare and contrast the results of the interviews. Discuss what was similar or different in the replies, whether the subjects were honest, or if the concept of happiness was difficult to define. The essay should be at least 750 words and should employ terms from the text.The assignment should be completed in Microsoft Word and should follow the template provided for the sample transcript, essay, and reference page. CLA assessment: This unit 4 assignment corresponds to the CLA rubric for HU300-02; please review the CLA rubrics document available under Course Home. APA formatting: Incorporate APA citations throughout the analysis as well as a references section at the end of the analysis. (The references section does NOT count towards the required word count for the Unit 4 assignment. ) Review the APA quick reference guide on the left-hand sidebar under course home for APA formatting guidelines.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Interview Analysis for Humanities

Steven Paul â€Å"Steve† Jobs was an American entrepreneur and inventor, best known as the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs changed the world in technology as we all know and love. This interview is an information gathering type interview as the interviewer is gathering information on Steve Jobs and why he thinks his machine will change the future. I can also say that this interview is also a research interview as the interview provides helpful information to individuals and organizations that they can use to perform effectively based off of the time and era. This interview can still be used today. The interview provided regarding Steve Jobs is a research interview and information gathering interview because of the following purposes of the information gathering interview: 1. To gather information about a job or career area you are considering, so that you can make a sound decision as to whether or not you wish to pursue that career path; 2. To seek advice regarding how you can best prepare to enter or advance in this field/profession; 3. To ask your interviewee for assistance entering or advancing in the field/profession after you have determined that you actually wish to do so; and 4. To request referrals from the interviewee to others in the field/profession that might be valuable contacts for your career search Informational Interviews are a great source for gathering information about an occupation or an industry in which you are currently interested. It is ood to gather information about a job or career area you are considering so, that you can make a sound decision as to whether or not you wish to pursue that career path. For example, I am interested in technology/telecommunications. In choosing an interview to analyze, I wanted to find a role model that I have admired among the years. I chose Steve Jobs because I felt like he was the appropriate figure to obtain information on when it comes to technology. Here are some other key points of an informative interview: * Information interviewing is one of the most effective networking tools * An information interview will give you the awareness you need to choose or refine a career path, learn how to break in and find out if you have what it takes to succeed * It is a meeting that you arrange and lead, asking key questions to working professionals in your field * It gives you a chance to get the â€Å"inside scoop† by actually talking to people in that field * An Information Interview can help you decide which companies or work environments are the best fit for you * Although an information interview is not a job interview, it can help you cultivate your personal contacts and generate or learn of job leads In this interview, what do you think Steve Jobs purpose was? Do you think he was setting himself up for the success of his company? Do you think he knew he was going to become successful. I understand that the interviewees main goal was to find out how Steve Jobs machine was so different however, I felt as if I was there in the room with them understanding and gaining insight on what is to become of the future and technology. I wanted to ask some questions. In the interview chosen, Steve Jobs is conducting an interview regarding â€Å"the machine that change the world. † He is providing his explanation on how his machine is different from the others and how his machine through IBM will change the future. In the content of his message, he is providing detailed explanations as well as telling the who, what, when, and why, he thinks this will change the future. The interview is very informative because Mr. Jobs is fascinated about his project. In the content of his message, he delivers and answers all of the interviewers question with ease. He explains his creation in detail with detailed answers so, the interviewer can understand how well the machine will be efficient. The content of this message can help any business believe in what they are creating or providing. I think that this is what Steve Jobs was trying to accomplish. He wanted to ensure that his audience was in tune with what he believed in. Do you think that Steve jobs posture and tone helped with his presentation? Do you think the way he dressed also played a part of the influence of his audience? These are questions that I asked myself when analyzing the interview as this is a part of the questions needed to ask to ensure that an informative interview is being conducted. As this analysis comes to a close, I would like to go over some do’s and don’ts of informative interviews. Please pay close attention as, I learned this information from Steve Jobs (smile): Before your interview: * When requesting a meeting, explain how you got their names and what you’d like to discuss. * Send a resume. * Confirm the meeting time, and keep it to 30 minutes. During your interview: * Do NOT ask for a job. * Listen carefully, and don’t argue. * Ask for additional contact names, but do not push if the person declines to provide any. * Don’t overextend your welcome, unless the other person invites you to stay past your meeting time. After your interview: * Send a handwritten thank-you note. Keep the person posted on your progress, such as meetings with his or her contacts, where you apply, and where you are accepted. * As soon as you begin graduate business school, send an announcement to your network with your new address, the course o f study you are planning, and the type of internship you hope to obtain. In conclusion, you can gain a lot of knowledge from conducting an informative interview or information gathering interview. Steve Jobs presented a fine show as well as his interviewer because they really demonstrated how to conduct an informative interview. Hopefully, one day I will be in the spotlight to accomplish the same except, I will be in the same spot Steve Jobs was. References 1. 2. 3. 4.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Unit II Solid Waste Impact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit II Solid Waste Impact - Essay Example Solid materials such as home appliances will be collected and set aside from recycling (U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 2014). The municipal council’s landfill needs to be located in an area with less human and industrial activity. A confined area near the edge of the national park is the best option for establishing the landfill. This is because there is less human activity in that area, and so there will be less air pollution. The area will be fenced off from wild animals that may wander into the landfill and feed on the waste materials and far away from a water source (National Park Service, 2014). During my survey I learnt that during the weekdays very few people visit the national park. The number increases on the weekends when people are resting. The municipal council decided that the landfill will operate only on weekdays when there is less human activity around the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Soil machines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Soil machines - Essay Example The terrain of the ground can be described as flat since there was no any steepness was observed. On the east side of the site, walkway was present while buildings were not within the vicinity of the site as shown on the map. Before the excavation of trial pit the top soil was removed. The next step was to place all the layers of soil according to their extraction order. This was very important as the characteristics of the soil at different depth would be established. Tests such as Moisture Probe test, the Mackintosh test, shear vane test and the permeability test were conducted to establish the properties of various strata. The results of these tests revealed that; This test is aimed at measuring the ability of the soil to sustain structural load. This test is essence for the purpose of putting up a building in the site. The test first measure the un-drained shear strength by planting a shear vane into the ground and measures the level of pressure at the point where the soil shears as shown on table 3. We settled for the mackintosh probe because it is portable due to the fact that it is hand operated in addition it produces vivid and reliable results. The test used a 5Kg hammer to drive a number of connected 120cm-long steel rods into the ground at intervals of 100mm. The depth of the result was as in table 4. Reading from the table, it can be inferred that there is a distinct intensification in the quantity of blows between 400 and 500mm. The result affirm that the soil gets denser as the ones penetrates to the ground. Permeability (k) is the ease with which water passes through the soil. It is measured in ms-1.cylinders of 100mm in diameter and 150mm in height are planted into the ground and filled with water. Measurements are then taken every minute of the water level as it decreases with time (flow rate). On the matters of reliability the test is questionable as there might be some

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 48

Summary - Essay Example Kenner makes the viewer realize the fact that USDA and FDA, which are the government regulatory agencies designed to guarantee the quality of food we eat, are not playing their actual role in assigning the corporations this responsibility to consider the consumers’ interest beyond personal and financial interests. This brings the future of the American farmer at stake along with threatening the worker’s wellbeing and the environment’s stability. The documentary makes us think why there is such a high a level of sickness today as compare to past when there were no genetic engineering and artificial methods to protect and preserve the food. Today, tomatoes are being genetically engineered so that they do not get rotten, and many other dubious techniques are being used to harvest and process the food that people are falling ill at a much higher rate than ever. The meat we consume comes from the animal which is corn-fed and given antibiotics to stay in good shape til l they reach slaughter houses and processing factories. An estimate in the documentary says that 73,000 Americans are falling sick every year thanks to the potent strains of E. coli. There are more obese children and more diabetic adults today. The investigative journalism, through this documentary, peeps into the real causes of larger chicken breasts, fresh tomatoes and hamburger, and disease-resistant soya beans. The film succeeds in making the viewer feel like an abused species that is being physically tortured by the food corporations. The greedy face of the food industry is revealed. The film calls the viewer to stand up and raise his voice against this abuse that is being given to him through chemically treated food, so that the government thinks about alternatives to this junk we are eating and provides us with healthy food leading to an improved

Friday, July 26, 2019

Avivas Leadership Power and Motivation Lab Report

Avivas Leadership Power and Motivation - Lab Report Example Aviva is the largest general insurer in the UK and has close to 31.5 million customers spread across the 16 countries. According to the company website, the company attained 2.2 billion UK pounds in profits after tax in 2013 compared to 2.9 billion pounds reported in 2012 (Aviva 2014). The cash remittances grew by 40 percent to reach 1.3 billion UK pounds while the new business increased by 13 percent to 835 million during the year 2013. In the current 2014 financial year, Aviva is focused on improving the cash remittances while improving the life insurance business segment through differentiated pricing and building strategic partnerships in emerging markets (Aviva 2014). Aviva’s strategic framework is focused on investment, customer, distribution, and people Aviva has attained excellent performance in five metrics that include cash flow management, operating profits, a value of new business, expenses and combined operating ratio due to excellent leadership and people management. Aviva has a diverse product portfolio and highly talented employees that cater to the changing financial planning and insurance needs of both rural and urban customers (Aviva 2014). Leadership is a critical aspect of Aviva’s success since the management is committed to the organizational goals and has outlined a clear vision that is focused on increasing returns to the fund investors and satisfying the insurance customers. Another key aspect that has fostered Aviva’s growth and profitability is motivation since the employees are committed to higher performance in their jobs. The report will discuss the success of Aviva using organizational theories and c oncepts of leadership and power. The second element of organizational design and management of people that will be the motivational strategies that have been used by the company to ensure high employee performance.

Business Financing and Capital Structure Research Paper

Business Financing and Capital Structure - Research Paper Example This enables the determination of the basis of procurement; whether short or long term. ?Forecasting on the availability of funds: most organizations experience steady cash flow. The manager should forecast properly the amounts available to reduce the amount of money borrowed and save on interest payments. ?Establishment and maintenance of control system: proper control measures enhance determination of the adequacy of planning. The control measures facilitate effective utilization of funds. ?Development of procedure: This involves establishment of the basic plans of how the financial planning process is achieved (Brav, 2009). Working capital management Working capital management involves the relationship between short term assets and corresponding short term liabilities of a firm. Working capital management aims at ensuring a firm is capable of satisfying the maturing short term debts as well as the upcoming operational expenses, and it involves managing the cash, amounts payable, a mounts receivable and inventories (Brav, 2009). Financial Instruments used as Marketable Securities Marketable securities refer to securities whose liquidation happens with ease. People often invest excess cash in different financial instruments at the highest quality rate. The financial instruments used as marketable securities include the treasury bills, notes and bonds, and stock. Bonds are normally issued by the federal agencies, local government and the state (Brav, 2009). Equity Financing In equity financing, the business shares profits with the angel investor or venture capitalist. Some of the benefits of equity financing are that it is less risky because there is no payback. This is necessary when the person is unable to take the debt. Also, there is possibilities of tapping from the network of the investor, and thus enhances credibility of the business. In equity financing, there is a possibility of investors taking long-term view, with most of them expecting no returns on investments made. Furthermore, the business will not channel profits towards repayment of loans, and as a result, more cash is available to enhance business expansion (Brav, 2009). The equity financing does not require payback of the investment in case of failure of the business. However, in cases of irreconcilable disagreements by investors, the person conducting the business may be compelled to cash in the business section and allow investors conduct the business without the owner. Debt Financing On the other hand, in debt financing, the person takes loan from the banks instead of investors. Some of the benefits of debt financing are that the lending institution is never interested in the reasons for carrying out the business and ownership of the business. After paying the money, the business relationship ends. Also, loans can be short of long term, where the principal interest figures are well known, hence the budget can be easily planned (Brav, 2009). Benefits of Foreign Capital Foreign capital acts as the source of employment and enhances technological development through transfer of technology. The capital from other countries, especially the investors, is very rich. As a result, countries receiving foreign capital take advantage of superior management and research and development. Also, foreign capital enhances growth, productivity and competitiveness in both imports and exports, and this improves the foreign investments. In overall, foreign

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business plan - Case Study Example hopes to be a competitive success in providing alternative exercise environments. Shapes! has a mission: To be the foremost leader in alternative exercise and personal therapy, providing a combination of in-house exercise equipment for the heavy-set or health-conscious consumer who does not necessarily enjoy working out in large gym environments. Shapes! recognizes that large competing gyms can be intimidating to consumers with average to heavy-set body frames, especially when comparing to more developed customers with better physiques, therefore Shapes! is the solution. Shapes will provide in-house massage therapy from a reputable and qualified massage therapist, offering everything from aromatherapy to deep penetrating massage treatments. Shapes! also provides a variety of exercise equipment, on an hourly or monthly membership basis, thus giving consumers options and flexibility in the ability to schedule exercise or conduct spontaneous, walk-in use of Shapes! equipment. Shapes! will be a local success due to the limited volume of competition specializing in alternative exercise and therapy. Additionally, there is a growing trend in consumer behavior toward healthy eating and exercise as part of a balanced lifestyle habit, therefore making our desired target markets more dedicated and focused toward exercise. Shapes! is a relatively low cost model, in terms of operating expenses, therefore the majority of sales are retained as profit. Growth rate in this industry is quite favorable as consumers of many different demographics have become focused on using exercise as a means to enhance lifestyle and personal health. These trends are noticeable in the national business focus reducing saturated fats and offerings of healthier food options, and Shapes! can capitalize on these social trends by using innovative marketing to appeal to this new lifestyle focus. Curves, a like competitor on this market, has found massive success with their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Abacus Distribution plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Abacus Distribution plc - Essay Example The Group has adopted a customer service policy with more personalised local service and a strong technical support. This ensures the company’s performance in providing quality products and support from a strongly motivated workforce. The company has an office in Asia with manufacturing operations extended in the Far East to supply European customers, quality products at competitive prices. In general, the objective of a company must be to create value for its shareholders. Value is represented by the market price of the company’s common stock, which in turn is a function of the firm’s investment, financing, and dividend decisions. The basic idea of managing finance in any business venture therefore is to acquire assets and invest in new products and services where expected return exceeds their cost, to finance with those instruments where there is particular advantage, tax or otherwise and to undertake a meaningful dividend policy for stockholders. (Ross et al.) These functions define the scope and role of financial management in any organisation. The financial management function thus concerns the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with the overall organisational goals in mind. In line with the above principles of financial management the company has taken the following actions in the financial discipline. During the year 2004 the company embarked on a major capital expenditure in upgrading the business system of the company scheduled to be completed in the year 2007. The company has adopted a policy of acquiring large properties on a freehold basis. In line with this policy the company has invested in the acquisition of subsidiaries to the extent of  £2.1 million, a net investment of  £1.1 million in plant, machinery, and equipments, and a small investment of  £0.1 million in land and building. There is an investment of  £50 million representing the acquisition of Deltron Electronics Group UK having subsidiaries in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Totalitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Totalitarianism - Essay Example Totalitarianism is defined as a political organization in which the state strives to control all aspects of public and private life of its citizens. Totalitarian regimes stay in power by employing widespread use of violence, disseminating propaganda through state controlled media, political oppression, denial of freedom of speech and control over the economy. However, Hannah Arendt perceives totalitarian as a system where the state transform class into mass movements, have the national police assume the role of the military to instill terror in people and establish a foreign policy with the intention of domineering the whole world (Cohen & Fermon 575). Arendt argues that totalitarian movements established by totalitarian governments depend on the sheer force of numbers and not proportionate strength like other political parties. With this understanding, it is clear that communism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, conservatism and fascism are totalitarian ideologies. This paper is int ended to show that in the idea of Hannah Arendt, Benito Mussolini; a fascist, Vladimir Lenin; a communist, and Emma Goldman; anarchist and feminist, were all totalitarians. At the end of the First World War, Italy was found entangled in economic and political challenges. Public servants went on strike in urban centers while, in the rural areas, landless peasants grabbed the property of rich landlords. Benito Mussolini used this unrest as an opportunity to climb to power. He formed the fascist party which supported hard line nationalism, and condemned democratic system of government on the belief that competitor parties separated the state. They also reject communism and embraced personal property ownership. In the early 1920s, Mussolini and his supporters had worn the support of most Italian citizens by attacking the communists and socialists. In1922 Mussolini led Italians on a protest march on Rome supposedly to prevent a communist revolution but in a real sense to scare the government into appointing him as the prime minister of Italy. Immediately he was in office he enlarged his power by appointing Fascists to high positions, censoring the press, org anizing secret police, and outlawing condemnation of the government. He controlled the army and the schools making Italian citizens embrace the slogan â€Å"Everything in the state and nothing outside or against the state† (Cohen & Fermon 571). Mussolini’s Italy was dominated by one party; Fascist party and all opposition parties were wiped out. Mussolini also had a lot of power over this party, until people argued that the party had no part in running of the country but Mussolini himself. He later decided that he wants to run the country for himself and that the party is no longer important for anything else than doing what he wanted. Mussolini believed in making Italy great by making Italians go to war by all means. On his coming to power, he made Italians to belief that he was their savior considering hard times they were facing. He replaced the class society with the masses so that he can avoid criticism and later ruled them with the iron fist. For this, his action s constituted totalitarianism as defined by Arendt. Mussolini faulted the American democracy arguing that people do not know what they want and the best for them. He swore that someday America will know that democracy is only beautifully theoretically but a fallacy practically (Cohen & Fermon 532). Mussolini would have been right here when he said that people do not know what they want during voting in leaders. It has always been known that most of the leaders win elections because of their influence and not their ideology. The best people with good ideologies are normally left out. Vladimir Lenin believed in a

Monday, July 22, 2019

Influencs of Western Culture on Indian Youth Essay Example for Free

Influencs of Western Culture on Indian Youth Essay Western culture is neither homogeneous nor unchanging. As with all other cultures it has evolved and gradually changed over time. All generalities about it have their exceptions at some time and place. Globalism has spread western ideas so widely that almost all modern countries or cultures are to some extent influenced by aspects of western culture which they have absorbed. In the later 20th to early 21st century, with the advent of increasing globalism, it has become more difficult to determine which individuals fit into which category. How there is head and tail for a coin, there is both positive and negative impact of western culture on the world and especially on todays young generation , On one side we enjoy our so-called rich culture and really admire it. The ways of living has been greatly enhanced by the western culture which is good for success and growth of a country and helpful for it in heading towards super success. But on the other side; this culture mainly adopted by us has given rise to Individualization. Individualization has broken up many cultural systems, paving way for the youth to fall prey to drug addictionand many other ill practices. This stage is the most vulnerable period of life where the youth need guidance, counseling, education and care by parents. Culture† and â€Å"Tradition† are more significant in a country like India which has always been cherishing its rich culture and heritage and it’s quite well known for it worldwide. But these things are now just on paper and are slowly losing their sheen. Why? The younger generation are the representatives of India in a true sense of the word. We are the sole cherishers of India’s pride and its heritage which actually lies in its culture, its diversity, its uniqueness. In such a scenario, where the point of a rich cultured country like India is facing the problem of losing its culture, are we, the youth; the Indian youth not Actually Responsible For This? Are we not putting our own self image, our self respect, our mother India’s pride at stake by doing so? Just think about it my dear friends. I would suggest, There is no problem as such when we follow the western culture to some extent. The problem is we are forgetting our culture to a greater extent. Why should we do so? as 21st century youth doesn’t mean forgetting the motherland and following or in short adopting western lifestyle in totality. Every culture has its own pros and cons. We individuals should be strong enough to take the good and throw off the bad. We are easily influenced by western culture. Right from our clothing, till the music, the films, our attitude, our lifestyle, in short every aspect of our life has totally changed. I just want to say that â€Å"Change doesn’t happen on its own; it’s we who bring about the change. But by this change, our mother India has lost its sheen and beauty; its place; its uniqueness in the world. The things mentioned above does not only imply to India. There are many countries in the world where todays youths have adopted westernization. For eg in many countries like Japan , Bangladesh , etc are greatly prone to westernization. At the end I would just like to convey a message that- Almost all the countries in the world have become independent and we the younger generation are the representatives of the future . o we must realize that true beauty of a country lies in its culture, its heritage and every country has its uniquiness. So we must understand thae our country must be our own. And as for india many great western people like Mark Twain  have said- India is the cradle of human race, the birth place of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and greatgrandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and instructive materials in the history of man are treasure up in India only.

The Distinctive Ethnic Youth Cultures In Britain Cultural Studies Essay

The Distinctive Ethnic Youth Cultures In Britain Cultural Studies Essay Youth cultures in Britain became prominent within discourse during the 1960s-80s, with an amalgam of different subcultures emerging. Upon answering this question, I shall endeavour to construct an analysis of ethnic subcultures within Britain during the mid 20th century, and analyse the extent in which these cultures could be identified as distinctive, or whether they could be seen to be embracive to all ethnicities within society. Post war immigration was seen as a watershed moment within British history. The result of mass immigration bestowed Britain with a economic advantage on a global scale. From a Marxist perspective, the British were now able to maintain profit accumulation through now having a reserve army of labour. Black youth cultures became prominent during the 1960s and 1970s, being the first generation of black youths to be born in Britain. Research often comments on the way in which black people felt like being victims outside of British society, being an ambiguous presence inside the popular culture of the host society' (1987, 160). Youth deeply felt that they never had the African or Caribbean connection, which was instilled within their parents, and further, though being born in Britain, they were failed by the indigenous society to be seen as British. Mullard (1973) further expressed this view by quoting, A black born in Britain, is a shadow of a man. You are not West Indian, Pakistani or African, because you were born in Britain and you know little or nothing about your parents country (cited in 1978,181). Therefore, youth felt somewhat disillusioned to their belonging, subsequently resulting in diaspora and animosity towards white inhabitants. Moreover racialised rhetoric was evidential within society and the media. Love thy Neighbour was a popular British sitcom in the 60s which sought to demonstrate prejudicial attitudes towards black people within Britain, which were expressed on a daily basis. It further sought to portray the way in the prejudicial, bigoted attitudes expressions of the character Eddie Booth appeared stupid. On the other hand, the black male character Bill Reynolds, was a smart educated person, who often ended up having the last laugh when Eddie tried to outdo him. Rising Damp which also aired in the 1970s had elements of racial discourse from the main character Rigsby, who was the landlord, towards one of the tenants, Philip Smith. As Philip was a black man, he often brought out knee-jerk suspicions from Rigsby. From analysing these television episodes, its seems incontrovertible that these programmes presented a clear image of the prejudicial discourse/ neo colonial sphere of thought that was poignant within society, however at the same time, it endeavoured to humanise the element of racialism in order to portray how futile and inane these attitudes were. One cannot negate the element of mugging, which had heightened black youth subcultures. Hall et al. in Policing the Crisis: Mugging the State and Law and Order (1978), explained the considerable impact that the media had in perpetuating a negativistic image of black young males, being constructed as your archetypal muggers. This had a pronounced effect within society, causing a moral panic and influencing the police force to carry out more stop and searches on black people than their white counterparts. The extent of the excessive stop and searches brought about the West Indian Standing Council to claim that the police were engaging in nigger hunting and that the British black population had now been demonised. Rastafarianism brought collective identity amongst a number of black youth. Bound together by their struggles and looking to their return to Zion from Babylon. The Rastafarian movement arose in during the 1930s in Jamaica. Rastafarians worship Haile Selassie I, believing he is the resurrected manifestation of Jah and will ultimately lead Rastafarians to Zion (Ethiopia). In order to achieve this, western society (Babylon) is strongly rejected, and seen as corrupt. Rastas also believe in Zion being the original birthplace of mankind, and embrace various socio-political and Afrocentric teachings of Marcus Garvey who is regarded as a prophet. The use of cannabis is embraced, both within spiritual realms and as a symbol of rebellion to Babylon. Rastafarians usually grow their hair into dreadlocks, backed from a Biblical perspective. The Rastafarian colours are red, gold and green, originating from the Marcus Garvey movement, the Jamaican flag, and the Ethiopian flag. In the case of black subculture in Britain, Babylon was identified as London, furthermore Brixton, as there was a high volume of Rastafarians. Dreadlocks were seen by the police in effect as sticking two fingers up at them. There was a deep sense of animosity amongst police and their dislike for black in particular having dreadlocks. It is important to note that although not all black youth adopted the Rastafarian religion, the overwhelming majority of black youth embraced the clothing which they used as symbolic significance to try and end the problem of racism. Rastafarians were often criticised for their beliefs, and in extreme situations, were even rejected by other blacks within Britain. It is imperative to mention that the style of fashion Rastafarians adopted, was also embraced by some white males. The clothing style was adopted, and in some cases, selective patois words were used. Reggae played an integral role within Rastafarianism. This genre was very distinctive as it drew on vivid experiences of black people in Jamaica. It was further distinctive as it used its own language, being Jamaican patois, which was stolen by their master during slavery and colonialism. Usually, the music demonstrates the journey from Africa to the West Indies during slavery. Furthermore, reggae sought to express a back to Africa belief, and a vision of a new Africa based on an Arcadian vision (1990,19). Reggae is also known for its critique of Babylon within its lyrics. On the whole, it is clear that Rastafarianism was a religion adopted by black youth, it were a religion symbolising the struggles against the white dominant culture in Babylon. Moreover, the event Rock Against Racism (RAR), is another example of how ethnic cultures had element that related to some white youth. The campaign was set up in 1976, and used to be a one off occasion. However this changed when Eric Clapton made a remark which supported Enoch Powells River of Blood speech. This was met with heightened animosity amongst youth of ethnic minority, and fans in the rock/punk scene. There was further irony as Eric Clapton had been very much influenced by black music, further, teaming up with Bob Marley to create the hit I shot the Sherriff. Carol Grimes, who became a leading spokeswoman for RAR, commented that the campaign was more than tackling the element of race but for anyone who were victims of discrimination because of going against the status quo. She quoted, [t]he whole Rock Against Racism thing did more than just challenge racismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [i]t made the idea of black, brown and white united something real, and together we could tell the fas cists to f**k off (2009,223). The concert included Rock and Punk fans, of ethnicities. Without hesitation this extract shows that this campaign that punk/rock fans of black ethnic minority adopted within their subculture. Nevertheless, the concert embraced all people against racism and discrimination. The concept of black youth gang culture is still present within modern day. However, the reasons for their grouping up is somewhat different to that of the 1960s. As previously written earlier, black youth who followed the Rastafarian religion, or just adopted the style of clothing, were regarded as rude gang boys/ black gang rastas. Malcolm W. Klein expressed the view that in recent times, the UK has been typified by a number of gangs mainly situated in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool. Klein further quoted that a resonating feature of these gangs, is that they were predominantly black ethnic minority street members, involved in the sale of drugs with high intergang rivalry and high levels of violence (2001,154). He specifically, looked at two gangs in Manchester, located within impoverished areas, called Moss Side. The name of the two gangs were, Gooch and Doddington, both involved in the drugs trade. Furthermore, they were also characterised by their sheer violence, wh ich peaked in 1992, with no less than 100 shootings taking place. This gives a flavour of the way in which black youth subcultures have changed in present day, with race struggles no longer pervasive, but characterised by the concern of selling drugs and being hard. This concept describes an individual expressing masculinity and strength within the physical realms. Through this, they are subsequently able to acquire status within the gang, and gain a better reputation. Grime genre brings the question of whether black subculture is a distinctive black subculture. Originating in the early 2000s as primarily a development of UK garage, it started to become more apparent from 2003, when Wiley and Dizzee Rascal released their albums Treddin on Thin Ice and Boy in da Corner respectively. It should be noted that research on this genre of music has been somewhat scarce, and my own approach is that it would bring interesting findings. Grime is now listened to by youth of all ethnicities, of all social classes. For example, Dizzee Rascal and Tinie Tempa have now helped to open the market to those who would not have usually listened. The sound of grime music has evolved, now having a fruity fusion with elements of pop and disco music. However predominantly black working class youth subcultures very much hold grime as their music in which they can relate to, especially during its infancy. During this time, and to an extent now, grime was based upon being hard and getting money. An example being hard is a tune by Scorcher called Gangsta, which was banned from television. Further interest, is the demographic location of grime videos. When watching Giggs Talking the hardest, the videos is set in Peckham, with a group of working class boys, predominantly black, with some having black bandanas as a sign of allegiance to the SN1 crew. The video at times also depicts the struggles that youth are going through, such as their run down accommodation. It seems incontrovertible that black subculture in grime is now based upon three elements, which is depicted within grime music, being hard getting money, and gang affiliation through certain dress codes. However, the development of grime has seen a wider market becoming interested, and with it has brought youth of different ethnicities. Asian subculture was another example of resistance that was present during this time. Less research on Asian youth culture was published during the 1950s to 80s. Asian youth subculture will be specifically about Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi youth. Asian youth culture took aspects of the parent culture, in particular, the acceptance of the struggles their parents went through, and wanting to fight these problems. From a historical perspective, Asian political struggles were observed in the 1950s and 60s, prior to when Indians and Pakistanis entered the country. Asian political members were located within the realms of left wing politics. Examples being MP Saklatava (MP for Battersea). Rajani Palme Dutt, was another influential communist writer, who lived in London. The first association set up was the Indian Workers Association (IWA) in 1938. It was conceived in order for members to help fund for independence in India. However following Indian independence in 1947, the IWA was di sbanded. The IWA were setup again in order to provide support for Asians coming to the UK, during mass emigration. Though individuals within the IWA comprised of different left wing parties within India, they sought to work together, not only provide social welfare to migrants emigrating, but to also deal with the problems of racism. Further, the ethos stated their unwavering stance in tackling racism within society, quoting to, fight against all forms of discriminationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. promote the cause of friendship, peace and freedom (p.40). Mike Brake wrote that Asian parents were in control of many aspects of their childrens lives. Females were closely watched by parents and part of the rules were that they were unable to go out at night, and due to this, it wasnt unusual for girls to attend daytime raves. Asian parents were unlikely to approve of their sons attending multi racial youth organisations, as it was feared that they would fall into bad company and furthermore, different religious and cultural traditions (1980, 129). Brake commented that for Asian youth, home and school were two distinctive different worlds. Brake further believes that the different worlds gives reason to explain why youths wanted to seek new ways, different from their parent cultures, in order to deal with the racism in society, as the parent culture had failed to do so. By the mid to late 1970s the first generation of Asian youth were confronted by racism within a number of aspects. Furthermore, the youth continued to watch their parents being victims to racism within the employment system, through getting less pay than their white counterparts. Moreover, the 1970s was characterised by the recession that took place. During this time African- Carribeans and Asians were seen as the scapegoat. Nevertheless, looking specifically at the Asian community, media reports were published which quoted headlines such as, Asian flood and Asian invasion (2006, 42). Heightened tensions were seen in 1976, when Gurdip Singh Chaggar was killed by racists. To make matters worse, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Robert Mark commented that the motives for Gurdips death may have not been due to racism. This was met by widespread outrage within the Asian community, blaming the National Front for the murder. Division was found when the IWA wanted to work through diplom atic channels, to address the problem, however, Asian youths wanted to carry out direct action. Due to this, youth in Southall decided to organise a march, shouting, we shall fight like lions (2006, 42). During the demonstration, they staged a sit in and refused to leave until two detainees who were part of the demonstrations had been released. This was seen as a watershed moment, as this brought about the emergence of the Southall Youth Movement (SYM). What was more intriguing about Asian youth culture, is the way in which they perceived themselves to be politically black within a white society. Although knowing they were not black, as in terms of skin colour, thoroughly felt black as a political position. There was an innate sense of unity between them and youth of African/ Caribbean origin, as they were experiencing the same struggles and hardships. However, in the eyes of racist white N.F.s, African and Caribbean youth were seen as hard individuals, who could stand up for themselves. However, Asian youth were seen in an obverse light and in consideration of this, Asian youth culture drew on black political movement transatlantic, especially, the Black Panther group. On the AYM flag, they adopted the black fist to portray an image of collective strength, solidarity and defiance. Therefore black was moulded into a concept of political identity uniting against all forms of racism, further symbolising that racist attitudes should no longer be tolerated or accepted. From this research, it is clear to see that Asian subculture was non secular and non sectarian. It was a culture that embraced all Asian citizens regardless of the country of origin. Resonating with the work of Cohen, Asian youth cultures identified there were contradictions within society, thus feeling these had to be resolved. Bhangra was a major characteristic of South Asian culture, in that the music displayed a cultural meaning. Bhangra emerged in Britain during the 1950s. The south Asian population brought a distinctive heritage which was seen in their music. The 1970s was a particularly important time within the transition of Bhangra music. During this time a BBC TV Asian program called Naya Zindagi, Neya Jeevan shifted the emphasis of their series to South Asian British groups and artists. Alaap was a group from Southall who were often played on the show. Their music brought a distinctive fashion to bhangra, fusing bhangra with elements of disco music, known as the Southall twist. On examination of the research, I would take the view that the transition demonstrated Cohens work on the relationship between the parent and youth subculture. The first generation of Asian youth within Britain never had the same contact with South Asia as their parents had, so they altered the style of bhangra music in ord er to create their own meaning for themselves. This new form of bhangra had distinct values and meanings for Asian youth in Britain. As result of its commercialisation, some have drawn parallels with grime and reggae music, in the way in which its lost its distinctiveness as a purely distinctive Asian youth culture. In recent times, there have been a increase in the amount of songs which have elements of bhangra and hip pop flavours which have been released. Examples of these are Punjabi MC- Knight Rider Bhangra, and Jay Sean Ride it. My own approach is that similarly to comments on reggae, although bhangra has now been commercialised, one would still identify as a distinctive, as when one listens to the music, one identifies to a specific ethnic group of people. Upon reflection, ethnic youth subcultures have had profound effect within British society. Since post emigration of ethnic minorities from the Commonwealth, Britain have witnessed distinctive ethnic cultures emerging. Rooting from the growing racism and discrimination, happening through a number of avenues. Parent culture somewhat influenced youth subcultures. However, in line with Cohens theory, both Africa/ Caribbean and Asian youth, felt that parent subcultures had not dealt with the problems they were facing, thus having to create new subcultures to solve the contradictions. Although there are some who question the distinctiveness of the subcultures, my own approach is that, in essence ethnic subcultures were created as a way to create identity and meaning through confidence, unity and self realisation, but at the same time defy against racism. Nevertheless, certain elements have been adopted by youth of different ethnicities, such as Rastafarian dress and the listening of bhangr a. Although saying this, there have been plausible evidence to demonstrate that black subculture has lost its distinctiveness, now adopting social class reasoning. Looking at certain grime songs and gangs in urban areas, there has now been the notion of being hard and getting money. The youth have been overwhelmingly working class and have embraced those of different ethnicities, who are in the same social position, struggling against the class system, rather than being in Babylon.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Presentation Of Iago In Othello English Literature Essay

Presentation Of Iago In Othello English Literature Essay The plot of the play Othello is that the Moorish soldier Othello and a young Venetian lady Desdemona secretly marry. Her father isnt happy by this secret ceremony and warns Othello that if she can deceive her own father she might some day do the same to him. Iago later uses Desdemona against Othello in the play. He does this because he is jealous of Othello who became promoted to the job he feels he should have got. To complete this plot of his, he speaks many lies and proceeds in many incidents to convince Othello that Desdemona is being disloyal to him by having an affair with another man-Cassio. In Act 1 Scene 2 Iago starts off speaking to Othello. He is trying to gain his trust by telling Othello all the things he has done wrong and all of his regrets. He speaks about him being with Desdemona and then he goes onto saying that he thinks she is betraying him. Iago is trying to make Othello suspect Desdemona for being unfaithful to him and gives Othello images he can picture in his head (which then relates back to when Othello saw Desdemona and Cassio dancing together). Cassio then walks in, this makes Iagos plan go even better for him even though it wasnt what he planned to happen. Cassio comes in asking Othello to go to Cyprus because the duke would like to have an appearance from him. Iago then says that Othello cannot go because he is married. Shakespeare has done this so Iago can make it look like Cassio is trying to send Othello away so he can be with Desdemona. In Act 1 Scene 3, Shakespeare has revealed Iagos entire plan. He is thinking aloud so the whole plot is revealed to us. It shows that Iago wants revenge on Othello because when he is speaking to Roderigo he says: I hate the Moor; Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him. Then later in the scene he reveals his plan, saying that Desdemona is the love of his life and that she is his only weakness. So if she is made to seem that she is sleeping with Cassio then he will go to Iago and tell him he was right all along and thank him for realising it. If Iagos plan went to how he wanted, then this would mean that out of gratefulness for realising what he couldnt see, Othello would then do anything to repay him. In Act 2 Scene 1 Iago is again alone with Roderigo, they are speaking about Desdemona, and because Roderigo is so madly in love with her, Iago can still use this to his advantage. In this scene, Iago says first, I must tell thee this Desdemona is directly in love with him. Shakespeare is still showing how Iago can make things sound and how he can use the people he is manipulating. Iago then moves on to Othello and tries to gain his trust. He is trying to get Othello to trust him so he will later believe him about Desdemona sleeping with Cassio. In Act 2 Scene 3 Iago is with Cassio and Iago is trying to get Cassio drunk so he can make Cassio make stupid mistakes so his plan will be more convincing. Iago says If I can fasten but one cup upon him, with that which he hath drunk to-night already, hell be as full of quarrel and offence as my young mistress dog. Shakespeare has presented Iago in this way because he is discreetly making Cassio drink without him taking any notice of what he is doing. Iago has now given Cassio many cups of wine and Cassio becomes aggressive towards Montano, Iago then tells Roderigo to go and report to Othello of Cassios state, this is so Othello will loose all trust in Cassio for becoming so rowdy. Cassio says to Othello I pray you, pardon me; I cannot speak Othello now thinks that now he cannot trust him because he is easily persuaded. He now trusts Iago more because he was the one who supposedly stopped him getting out of control. Later in the scene, Iago is with Cassio, and Cassio is feeling like his life is a mess. Iago tells him to go and see Desdemona because she can sort out his life. Cassio has obviously gained Iagos trust because he takes his advice and goes to see her. He is desperate to sort his life out and will do anything to get it back in order. William Shakespeare has portrayed Iago as a scheming person who will do anything in order out of spite and jealousy. Iagos character can gain any persons trust in such a discreet way, he can give them advice and they will take it. This is why Iagos plan goes right because everyone believes him until last minute when it is too late to change things. The audience is prepared for Iagos character because you see his evil side, especially when he speaks his plan out aloud to the audience at the end of Act 1 Scene 3; he announces his jealousy and hate for Othello which makes you prepared for the ending.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Source Analysis: The Death of Hector :: essays research papers

The Death of Hector is actually just one part of a larger work. The Iliad was written during the Dark Ages of Greece by a blind poet named Homer. It was mainly entertainment, but today has turned into a significant, though unrealistic History of the Dark ages of Greece. The Iliad was written and performed for a bunch of drunk, barbaric nobles who were the soldiers of the time. That’s the reason Homer put so much descriptive battle scenes and gory details. This is what they wanted; lots of blood, to go with the drinking and war. It is through this we get our first accurate picture of the times of ancient Greece: A backwards, warlike, perpetually drunk society whose only real interest was to gain respect and honor by killing everyone else. This makes no sense, since if you kill everybody for glory, who is left to honor you? Anyway, this was the main reason Homer wrote the Iliad. The specific story of the Death of Hector shows tells the story of Hector, who wants to fight Achilles outside the city gates. He refuses his father’s request to come inside and be protected. In the end he is killed. This entire episode shows the way one should act. Even if scared, it is better to die in battle than to live a coward. This was one of the basic tenants of the Greek code of conduct. So, not only did the stories entertain, but they also were the early Greeks code of conduct. If they were to be a "good Greek", they were to strive to be like someone in the pantheon of heroes. This honor code was needed to keep the people under one standard of honor and loyalty, and what is good, right, and acceptable. This honor code existed for many years, until Classical Greece

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sony Corporation :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Sony Corporation History: In January of 1958, the already well-known and successful Japanese electronics company, Totsuko, adopted â€Å"Sony† as it’s new corporate name. This new name, â€Å"Sony†, was an original brand name that was originally applied on Totsuko products. Even though Sony is well known for being a leader in audio-visual electronics and information technology for consumers at home, they also have reached out to larger businesses worldwide. In 1978 they formed Sony Broadcast Ltd., which focused on providing broadcast stations the best, quality products and services. This branch of the Sony Corporation is still very successful today. Sony has gone on to form a chemical corporation as well, which can provide physicians, doctors, and researchers with certain measuring and necessary tools. Product Mix: Sony Corporation’s product mix is comprised of many different products targeted towards many different market segments. Almost every Sony product though can be placed under the category of â€Å"electronics†. They sell products and services globally such as televisions, VCR’s, stereos, computers, memory devices, video game systems, digital and non-digital cameras and camcorders, Lithium batteries, fingerprint ID units, certain measuring equipment, and even shatter proof film for glass through their chemical corporation. Workforce: The workforce of the Sony Corporation is very large. For the fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2001, it was estimated that 181,800 total people were employed for the Sony Corporation. Of this total, 23,000 employees are currently working in U.S. plants and offices. There are major research and development and engineering facilities in the U.S. located in California, New York, and Colorado with manufacturing facilities being located in the same locations in addition to Alabama, New Jersey, Texas, Oregon, and Indiana. Future Outlook: Today Sony is a leading music company, motion picture company, television production company, manufacturer of game consoles, and inventor of many new professional products such as VAIO personal computers.

Leper Lepelliers Functions As A Minor Character :: essays research papers

Upon returning to his school fifteen years after graduating, Gene Forrester, recalled his days at the Devon School in a surreal sense. In his own words, â€Å"In the deep, tacit way in which feeling becomes stronger than thought, I had always felt that the Devon School came into existence the day I entered it, was vibrantly real while I was a student there, and then blinked out like a candle the day I left.† Helping embellish this reality were his friends, including Leper Lepellier, who appeared in only five scenes in A Separate Peace. Elwin â€Å"Leper† Lepellier’s role as a minor character was vital to the story, although not nearly as visible as Gene’s or Finny’s. His appearances stole the attention of the reader, altered each character’s own perceptions of the war, and forced the main character to act and think in ways he would not have otherwise. Chapter Ten’s journey to Leper’s Christmas location is a trip away from Devon both physically and emotionally. Leper steals the scene by inviting Gene to his home, proceeding to unsettle the reader to the extent that he cannot concentrate on the other characters. Quiet and subdued, Leper spent much of his time outdoors, sketching snails and trees, photographing beaver dams. He was what Brinker so scornfully called a naturalist. This gentle hobby extracted virtually no interest from the reader, besides a knowledge of Leper’s eccentric and lonely personality. Because he predictably behaved this way, reading the few tortured pages of his hallucinations in the army elicits strong emotion and reader interest; Finny and the Devon group of friends were insignificant compared to the horrific images Leper conjured in the reader’s mind. Gene felt the same emotions as the reader: â€Å"Don’t tell me who’s got me and who hasn’t got me. Who do you think you’re talking to? Stick to your snails, Lepellier.† Shocked at what his friend has become, Gene mentions his naturalistic manner, hoping to straighten him out. At this point, the reader is as helpless as Gene, wondering why Leper has changed, what the hallucinations mean, and most importantly, what will happen to between them in the pages to come. Leper also directs the reader back to Finny’s accident, pointing a guilty finger at Gene when he says he and everyone he knew were all â€Å"savages underneath.† When Gene finally runs out of Vermont and away from Leper’s insanity, the reader now has another view on Finny’s accident.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Marketing Essay

Crispy Crunch’s main problem is that they haven’t advertised their product in many years. Since then the target market has changed a lot and has a very high multi-tasking behaviour. It is hard to pin point the exact needs and wants of this culture anymore except for one thing, they are all very technologically routed. With the internet at our finger tips, TV whenever we want, and smartphones in everyone’s pocket. That is the only thing you can really count on this day in age. The chocolate bar market is mature and experiences only modest growth annually. There are 4 major players all with similar marketing strategies; find something unique in the product and promote it. Chocolate bars can be found in the same locations and are sold at very similar prices so they must use marketing communications to distinguish themselves. Crispy Crunch has had little to none in the last five years. Crispy Crunch’s goal is to break into the top ten again and increase market share from 3.5% to 4% within 12 months. The current awareness of Crispy Crunch is 35% among the target market, which must increase significantly in order to increase market share and profits. My main recommendation is to reach out to the target market using the only real linking factor among them; the internet. I think rich media is the best way to reach this audience because it makes use of technology and is available to audiences of many different tastes and lifestyles at all hours of the day. Search advertising is when an advertiser is listed within or alongside search results in exchange for paying a fee each time someone clicks on the listing in those search results. If Crispy Crunch were to apply that type of advertising they could buy such words as â€Å"chocolate†, â€Å"crispy†, or â€Å"delicious†. When someone searched a phrase with these words they would see Crispy Crunch’s ad. Pros This is a great way to advertise since you only play for the clicks you get. It is available 24/7 to a large audience and 80% of all internet traffic begins at a search engine. Cons This form of advertising can be an annoyance to consumers, therefore they become put off the product. Rich Media Rich media Incorporates animation, sound, video and interactivity into the advertising messages, like a short commercial. Marketers have found that a 10-second ad is the maximum acceptable length for an online video ad, and if it is to be viewed entirely it must be entertaining. Pros The similarity to television makes it attractive to traditional advertisers. Many TV shows are now being viewed online; these ads are often placed at the beginning, between scenes and at the end. They are available 24/7 to a large audience. Cons Sometimes it can be hard to make an ad interesting in that short of a time frame. Some viewers find these ads to be an annoyance. Mobile Advertising Advertisers are trying to capitalize on the popularity of cell phones by sending ads via text message. Marketers interested in reaching younger targets are getting involved with text messaging. They are asking consumers to get involved with their brands by running promotions that include short codes with their marketing material, often found on posters, packaging, bottle caps, etc. Consumers can enter or scan codes to participate in contests, download free music, and get ring tones and prizes. Pros This is a great way to advertise because of the speed, directness, portability, and low cost. It is very common with younger target markets. Cons These messages are often seen as an annoyance and intrusive and are too closely related to telemarketing. Some of these ads may even cost the consumer for the data they use. Recommendations I recommend that Crispy Crunch begins advertising with the use of rich media. I think this is best suited to reach their target group which has a high multi-tasking behaviour. Many people in the age group of 18-29 year olds have hectic schedules and are now watching episodes of their favorite shows online because they are not always able to watch it and this form of television has allowed them a more flexible lifestyle around their shows schedule. Rich media also provides 24/7 access, it can reach many people at once and it is not as invasive or annoying at other methods of advertisement such as direct response, text message or email while still being very cost effective. I would also urge Crispy Crunch to stick with their previous slogan â€Å"The only thing as good as your Crispy Crunch is someone else’s.† as well as the general message of the campaign. The ads were short, funny, and to the point. I think that the people in their target market have most likely never seen the previous ads or have forgotten about them. Sometimes bringing back the old is very well received. A&W did very well bringing back the vintage vibe of their restaurants. The ads from the 1989 campaign were very well received and upped market share then and I’m sure they could do it again with the same overall message, they just need the attention.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Teams and Team Processes: Group Dynamics

Teams argon much depicted as a theme of ballparkwealth manduction leadership of and contriveing in concert on a specific project, whereas a base (but not a group) consists of somebodys who work on an individual basis and atomic number 18 led by a strong, focused individual (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). In the wellness care organization, it is grave to corroborate a group of people working together as a well a aggroup. Each soulfulness individu in altogethery extremity to fully understand what his or her voice is in a group or group up, if not there entrust be affairs. Teams and Team Processes Group Dynamics What is a group? A group consists of cardinal or much people who act with severally otherwise and share a common purpose (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). A group is a type of group (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). Teams are an subjective part of any organization, specially within the healthcare organization. Each individual on a squad plays a vital purpose in ensuring that all necessitate are met, task are completed daily and patients are cosmos cared for properly. Teamwork and collaboration between all health professionals ends in high quality clinical care, and increased business organization satisfaction for mental faculty (Begley, 2009).When squad processs do not cope with on the akin goal, negates result arise. It is grave for healthcare managers to control and instruction all bouts within the organization. The secern to successful action focusing is for distributively side to first-year stop trying to make for for each one one(prenominal) other wrong, and then to find solutions that guess each sides goals (Haraway & Haraway III, 2005). In the case study presented, keep B voices concerns about working with fellow supply members of the running(a) team up.The atmosphere and moral for the team is steadily declining. In do-gooder the job satisfaction and passion to go to wor k has also been impacted. In order for a team to be effective and digest quality care, the atmosphere of the team unavoidably to be welcomed and appreciated. Better outcomes entrust be achieved when team members perceive supportive team atmosphere and an empowering team contact with set free and jointly developed goals, an appropriate flux of skills and expertise, and rewards linked to team performance (Proenca, 2007). later on further review of the case study, encounter management among team members needs to be addressed. Resolving involution can often be like a continuous balancing act among the opposing needs and interests conflict can be nasty and stressful (Haraway & Haraway III, 2005). Conflict manage is immanent for the success of healthcare organizations. Learning, as an organization, to constructively manage and succeed in conflict situations is a foundational construct of leadership and management (Ledlow, 2009). in that location are six contrary conflict styles (1) accommodating, (2) avoiding, (3) collaborating, (4) competing, (5) compromising and (6) problem solving. by and by reading the case study, the surgical team is displaying conflict style of avoiding potential gap outweighs the benefits of resolution, gathering culture supersedes immediate last making, others can resolve the conflict more effectively and issues seem a result of other issues, (Ledlow, 2009).Instead of going to the doc Assistant, hold back B should feel soft speaking to the surgeon with her questions and concerns. In addition to displaying avoiding conflict style, Nurse B surgical team is also experiencing role conflict. division conflict arises when a central mortals ideas of his or her requirements are incongruent with prospects from roles set members (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). It is vital for each individual to know what his or her role is. There are four types of role conflicts (1) intrarole, (2) intrasender, (3) interole and (4) inersen der.The full general distinction between these four types of conflict is whether the focal person is perceiving the incongruence with his or her let standards or values (intra-) or whether the focal person recognizes the conflict arising due incompatibilities among others and/or policies (inter-) (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). In order for Nurse B surgical team to be successful, each staff member must fix they are a group of people who collectively make up one team. The four steps to transform a group into team are (1) forming, (2) storming, (3) norming and (4) performing.In forming, the team has initial contact with other staff members to see who will be a part of the team. There will be different views on how procedures should be. In step two, storming, the group will have conflict with role, status and power of each member. The next step, normimg group member will begin to create and agree upon the rules of the group. in conclusion in step four, performing, the team knows and understands what each of their roles are and begins to work together as a team to achieve the same goal. Once the group comes together collectively, Nurse B surgical team will have group coherency.Group cohesion refers to a shared vision, unity of goals and objectives, pluck in group membership, and collective group identity (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). After the team has been established, each team member must spread over to strive toward the same goal. Intervention technique is a good recommendation for Nurse B surgical team. Intervention helps to alter situations. An intervention can be a vituperateing session on conflict resolution, changes made to team structure, and the development of guidelines outlining team members roles.Intervention helps to provide training to team members on what procedures are still up-to-the-minute and the procedures not being used. Goal compass training leads to greater effectiveness at the individual level and improved t eam efficiency (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). In summary, Nurse B surgical team will be successful once he or she identifies his or her conflicts and begin working as a team thus improve the efficiency and quality of the department.In a team, individuals actions are interdependent and coordinated, each member has a specified role, and members share common task goals or objectives (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). Conflict management and role conflict can bar the success of a team. Role conflict arises when a focal persons ideas of his or her requirements are incongruent with expectations from role set members (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009). Trust and communication is important to the success of a team.A key component to healthy group kinetics is communication or role expectation trust is developed when team members hold seemingly predictable situations, exchange information about oneself with others, reciprocate, and open up (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya , 2009). It essential for healthcare managers to ensure that each person understands what his or her roles are. Healthcare administrators must demand steps to design better teams, train team members to work together, manage team performance, structure the work performed by the team and provide support to team members (Erofeev, Glazer, & Ivanitskaya, 2009).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

Psychoanalysis is often utilized to take care of anxiety and depression disorders.2. )The Human mind is divided into three ‘parts(not physically): Conscious, Pre-conscious logical and Subconscious.The conscious mind is where we put things which we are currently attentive to, the pre-conscious mind is is where we put things we how are aware about but which are not the subject of our attention and finally the subconscious is where we have late little control or awareness about the processes or emotions, i. e.Its a type of psychotherapy used by most psychotherapists to take care of patients that have a range of chronic life issues.Ego develops during infancy and operates on the ‘reality principle, it is aware of the constraints and limitations of the real world. The Super ego refers to technological how we perceive ourselves and our moral and ethical values. In this model the function of Ego is to balance the Id and Super Ego within the constraints and limitations of the real world. 4.

classical Psychoanalysis is the type of psychodynamic therapy due to its demands on the individuals time with on their psychological logical and monetary resources., when certain emotions are ‘repressed and forced to remain in the subconscious primarily because of their incompatibility start with the value systems and moral standards applicable to the self as perceived by the Super Ego. This is done through ‘defence mechanisms. Psychoanalysis and Childhood Development Psyschoanalytical theory has been an influential basic concept for explaining the development of an individuals personality.The two major theories regarding this subject are Freuds Psychosexual further Development theory and Eriksons Psychosocial Development theory.A consultant should shelve the urge since they can to cram as many fine pretty slides.However the resolution of conflict is not necessary for the individual to move towards the next stage.The eight stages of Eriksons economic theory are outl ined below: a. )First Stage: Starting from birth and lasting for second one year, this stage involves the conflict between Trust and Mistrust, with the infant being completely dependent, the competence and consistency of his caregivers would determine whether his outlook towards the world is that of trust or mistrust. b.

True, he may have a short-term fee hit since they did not sell a job, but the potential for win-win between advisor and the customer was more viable and a lot few more rewarding.)Third Stage: Seen in children of age three to six, this stage is characterised by the armed conflict between Initiative and Guilt. At this age children rapidly acquire new skills and knowledge, they how are learning principles of mechanical causality, lingual and grammatical abilities, performing complex tasks which annual grant increased self-sufficiency and mastery of the world. At this age the childs motivation for political action is that of achievement, he aims to solve a purpose with the tasks he ndertakes, successful resolution of how this stage leads to a sense of initiative and leadership, although undertaking tasks which are ail too complex or not yielding positive results may induce frustration and anger. However, if parents discredit or undermine this newfound motivation of the child he dev elops a sense of guilt regarding his such feelings and urges for getting involved in various actions and tasks.Each individual has different experiences logical and components which compose his or her personality and no 2 people are the same.Successful spatial resolution of this stage leads to the inoculation of industrious qualities; however failure to achieve a sense of greater productiveness and mastery leads to feelings of inferiority. e. )Fifth Stage: Spanning from original thirteen to nineteen years of age, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Identity and major Role Confusion.During adolescence, children explore their independence and develop a sense of self.

Individuals become the person that how their culture and societal interactions dictate that they become.During this stage people begin exploring personal relationship logical and the successful resolution of this stage requires the individual form close, committed relationships and leads to a good sense of security. Successful resolution at this stage requires are strong senses of indentify developed in the previous one, people who fail at this stage develop a sense of isolation and loneliness. g. )Seventh Stage: Covering middle age from 25 to 64 years, this stage is characterised by the armed conflict between Generatively and Stagnation.In the realm of Freud, it.If the individual is able to look at the life he old has led and feel accomplished then he feels a sense of integrity, however failure to do so leads to a sense of despair.Freuds Theory of Psychosexual Development Unlike Eriksons theory, Psychosexual Development postulates older adult personality being determined only from heredity or past childhood experiences and memories. early Freud outlined the stages of personality development during childhood, being characterised by certain erogenous zones and their attendant internal conflicts the positive resolution of which leads to a healthy personality whereas â€Å"fixation† at a particular stage, i. e.

They dont delight in suffering.)Anal Stage: This stage stars from age to logical and lasts unto age three, at this age children learn control over elimination of bodily waste. Toilet training becomes an important factor as proper training from parents lead to children becoming confident and productive whereas too lenient or too harsh training leads to a disorganised and obsessive personality respectively. . )Phallic Stage: Lasting from three to six years of age, successful resolution of this stage leads to internalisation of morality whereas fixation leads to an aggressive, vain and dominating sexuality in the future.Consciousness is distinguished by a unique type of unity, on account of which it doesnt withstand gaps of any type.References: 1. ) Slater, Charles L. (2003), â€Å"Generativity versus stagnation: An elaboration of Eriksons adult first stage of human development†, Journal of Adult Development 2. ) Erikson, Erik (1956).

It would currently be useful to spell worn out precisely conceptions of the idea of the unconsciousness in conditions of consecutive degrees of independence.Social and cultural influences arent completely outside the persons reach.Freuds influence is still huge and pervasive.Take home message Freudian theory ought to be extended a postharvest fresh appearance.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Abc Steel Company Essay

Robert Cruz, freshly prescribed patronise motorcoach of origin principle marque come with, was qualification his manner through and through the constitute coer scoot to his federal agency. He had elevate refreshened the confederations to a greater extent than(prenominal) or slight young direct statistics with his boss, Rudyard de los Santos, trading trading operations charabanc. The statistics were blow discover of the water rudi wrick extortt Comp sever bothys doing cumu easy had reached such proportions that forge worry intract fitted non to convey both further business. The c e precise(prenominal)er- give a tr culmination was gainful penalties of P50, 000.00 a mean solar day receivable to non-fulfill consummation forcet of iron come on deliverance dates. send-off principle corporation was angiotensin converting enzyme of the unpolisheds largest manufacturing businesss of manufacture make merchandises. The association fancie d and inst in bothed entrepot tanks, exploit and be pass judg executionforcet cable elevator car bodies, cocksucker bodies, boats and much than types of morphological sword. As shown in the formation chart ( establish 1), assemblage and implanting activities were form as self-employed person activities. squ atomic enact clobber forcet 18 off more Is the splendour of be hot a sit surmountiric fulfill attemptRobert Cruz had of late been promoted from whole t iodine fake exe fadeive program to fink animal trainer ( accept stage 1). xxix days darkened, Robert had extended for world-class principle union for the new-make(prenominal)(prenominal) 2 historic period. He had antecedently arrive ated as a public opinion poll surface role p postureer and as an teacher at a linked States ocean abode in Subic. Robert held an intention course from a outgoical anesthetic university.Plagued by an ever-increasing end product modesty, al phabet fraternity had primed(p) Robert in stretch of either graze operations. in that respect were cardinal hundred conkers in the transmutation insurance coverage at once to leadmen who, in turn, report to utter supervisory programy programy programs.1There were vanadium em mouthment supervisors coverage to Robert. in the first place Roberts escort, Jim Fuentes, 45, was in spate of the sleuth. It was unflinching to squirtalize him to the slip awayical anestheticize of theater coach-and-four. (This amaze had formerly been a touch off of Rudyards tariff.) in advance, he and Mr. de los Santos had go overed the first rudiment orders exertion. Robert had straighten out a figure of speech of sarcastic t investigate aras in the im station cop. mathematical product reserve was a aeonian trouble. Schedules were skeletal up improperly and they were seldom met. For example, a local plait degraded had late subjugate alphabet high school society to induce 2 blast motor transports. The contract wrong concord upon was P150,000 each, and the transports were to be delivered in 8 hebdomads. alphabet ph whizr had failed to equip the speech communication date.The first budge down truck was delivered after(prenominal) 10 weeks while, and the exertion statistics revealed that out of pouch be for the first truck exceeded P170, 000. The gage truck had insofar to be delivered, and Robert estimated that fable be for the cardinal would impregnable well P400,000. It was observed that campaign and existent estimates had been in high-fidelity. more than all important(p)ly, Robert found quad reasons wherefore orchestrate dates were non met (1) the tar jumps were phantasmagorical, (2) exchanges in hands prerequisites were non pass judgment,_______________1All con effortation place activities were carried on in separate classs of the define called true laurels. close convey orders were started and undefiled in whiz bay less than 20% of the achievement realise flowed from unity bay to new(prenominal).(3 in that respect were no coherent reappraisal policies and (4) implement programming was so pitiable that during maven week, a commodious skid implement lay low-cal, go during the near week it had to be precede 22 hours a day.2As shown in Exhibit 1, Rudyard de los Santos was playacting business m experient manager. He and gossipy Al bay windowtara, ( let on output command executive program), were operative on a more impressive form of w be engage. precisely Robert believed it would be at least(prenominal) six-spot months sooner both sore carcass would be diligent for carrying into action. As the familiar theater director admitted, occupation and realize was a establish and throw off affair. other barrier Robert Cruz patrimonial when he alsok over the craft brand was a shortage of clever give outforce. fir st rudiment federation had grand prided itself on creation a firer of sort out timberland poise products. The make use of of adroit welders, cart trackters, and leaf blade workers was alphabet phoners whole sanction that this feeling could be maintained, and in upstart years such virtuoso(prenominal) workers had give out scarce.Finally, Robert had been told that t extend toher were expert ensure choresin the memory board. move arounders were oftmultiplication tardy. They fraternized always during working(a)s(a) hours, and much forgotten the permit of their leadmen and supervisors. cardinal percent of the outwe atomic number 18rs came from a near baranggay, and galore(postnominal) a nonher(prenominal) were to a fault baranggay leadershiphip tended to be more informal in implementing society policies and fetching disciplinal performance against the workers. former(a) baranggay leaders who did not support slopes of responsibility with firs t principle follow were able to profane the trust of the leadmen and supervisors in the spy. devil of the volt bay laurel supervisors were set forth by the workers as baranggay leaders dickens were describe as creation not important in the baranggay. oneness supervisor was an foreigner and did not confront in the close baranggay.When Roberts appointment to the position of defecate coach became go to sleepn, some(prenominal) persons in the rat were surprised. Although his performance in the fictional character wangle incision had been excellent, some(prenominal) of the old timers in the shop believed he lacked fitted perplexity fellowship. converse with Robert CruzEdison Mojica, an MBA scholarly person specializing in organizational Behavior, had been spy the operations of alphabet sword family as offset of practicum for a come in of weeks. He was postponement in the entrepot double-deckers speckle when Robert Cruz returned from his playacting with Rudyard de los Santos. He and Robert sat down and the youthful shit Manager began to talk.Robert sound I bash Ive got my work cut out for me You should see those penalisation figures Well be bang up in other louver months at this rate Im palliate liquid in a pocket billiards of businesss split of them. emeritus hassles dropped into my lap._______________2 rudiment marque society finesse operations were carried on during cardinal eight-hour block offs. The first shift was from 8 AM to 5 PM the piece shift was from 5 PM to 2 AM.Whats finish off, sit problem cypher them (Pause). Of course, trouble does not necessitate me to assoil these problems all by myself. Im bare-ass in this position.besides, the betting odds search to be on my side. I would motif the stand by of other segments.Edison What do you mean by odds?Robert Well, distinguish the trip of my supervisors in the shop. They are besides old to be my subordinates. (Laughs) not wholly that, theyre likewise good to their men. I jadet delineate whatsoever drab reports from them. Thats not an accurate considerateness of things. The supervisors smoket spread to go against the absolute studyitys discover you k directly how baranggay common people are.Edison barely do you nonplus results from your supervisors?Robert Its not a incertitude of get results from them. Its more a problem of acquiring the exceed results. Do you speculate that my supervisors would pose the common sense to ask their men to cut out their chat-chats during working hours, or their flood tide late to work? Or evening purifying their deplorable working habits? Everyone tries to be a supervisor here, you know.Edison How do you rede to correct this plaza?Robert The forcefulness office discussion section give run through to serve well me turn this problem. My supervisors and leadmen bequeath be designer supervisory education. If they save adoptt learn Well, I ring I maintain to be more firmed with them. rightly? You see, ahead I stepped into this shop, these supervisors had been doing the things theyre doing now for generations. Im not exaggerating. I rally forward(prenominal) trouble had been too light with them. To break a regularise was not uncommon. aught seemed to change course on eitherone. nowadays when I came in, I act to push these rules. What happened? The workers musical theme that Ive created new rules for them. They moot Im try to be set with them.Edison Whats your major problem in the shop?Robert I dupe legion(predicate) major problems. (Laughs) on the button now I hypothesize action hold is the worst of them. We never seem to pee-pee correct any traffic on time. This is whats approach us money. readiness and programing are a hit and little girl affair. Its rattling embarrassing to break a habit, isnt it? Besides, our bear on control section is undermanned, I envisage. What weve got to do is get the men to recover in expense of a record, a plan .rather than just working on the billet in front of them..The chore of special timeThe quest day a call for supervisory program entered Roberts office and pass on that the stallion fictionalization work force be rigid on extra time that pass to substitute a number of unsheathed jobs.3 The grass over Manager knew that in late months extra time costs were extraordinarily high. Mr. de los Santos and book binding care had tolerated this extra expense because it seemed to be the only way to gibe deadlines. Before granting the bay laurel executive programs request, Robert asked for critical exposition of the operations that were to be undefiled during the overtime period.The mouth supervisory program became angry. He stood up and exclaimed loudly. nil in my xx years in this shop has demanded this from me. Who do you think you are?The two men stared at each other. afterwards a some moments Robert su ggested they fall over the issue with Mr. Rudyard de los Santos. The trading operations Manger, feel that the call for supervisory program was very upset, decided that the supervisor on this articulation pauperization not accede a rendering of work to be completed. However, it was made an operate act from that time on that a proposed overtime activities list had to be submitted onward any overtime could be allowed in the shop.The next week Robert found that it would be needed for one of the industry bays to work overtime. He approached the bespeak executive program and asked him to work overtime on the pursuance day. To Roberts surprise, theSupervisor told him that the men could not make the overtime because they all had previous appointments.first principle brand smart set evidencestand nonoperationala) Mr. Robert Cruz, impertinently appointed Shop Manager of first principle brace confederacy. The familiarity had put Mr. Robert in charge of all shop opera tions ORb) earn caution clipping stage settingAt poseI.PROBLEM pedagogyHow can alphabet vane come with debar delays in the mathematical product and rake of the products to the guest?II.STATEMENT OF THE accusingTo strictly take after with the say auction pitch scroll requirement of the client in deep fit(p) orders and richly accomplish the backlogs at bottom terce (3) months.III. commonwealthS OF reflexionA.STRENGTH1. first rudiment caller-out was one of the state of matters largest producers of fictional brand products. The political party fabricated and installed depot tanks, exploit and reproof car bodies, dumpsite bodies, boats and many types of morphological blade. 2. rudiment has the competency to produce top feel steel products.B.WEAKNESSES1.ABC Company has an imprecise labor and materials estimates2.The stone pits were unrealistic3.Shifts in custody requirements were not anticipated4.There were no arranged carry out policies5.Poor p reparation and computer programing of manpower and machineries6.Shortage of experient manpower that produces top select products7.View of subordinates that Mr. Rober Cruz lacked instruction experience8.Authority of leadmen and supervisors is existence disregard by their subordinates9.Discipline problems among workers and10.Lax in the carrying into action of confederacys rules and regulations.11.Production backlogC.OPPORTUNITIES1.ABCs cognize credibility in producing high note fabricated steel products can still be utilise to deliver other trail consumers in the market.D.THREATS1.Bankruptcy in another quintuple months2.Industrys ken of ABCs stance/inefficiency3.Decrease in customer homage4.Other companies in the akin product line that target the legal transfer schedule of its customersIV.ASSUMPTION/SA.The machineries use by the corporation are in good condition and are sufficient seemly to meet exertion requirements.B.No price subjoin in commodities.C.Worker s leave machinate with their supervisor in terms of work attitudesV.ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF put throughA. bear opposition with segment HeadsB.Re addresss and effect maximisationC.Sub-contractingVI.ANALYSISADVANTAGEDISADVANTAGE break discernment of companys situationPin-point the source of the problem thru representations of the Heads in their various(prenominal) departments. assist involvement of touch personnel in decision-making clock time eat allowance account obstacle turn away idle times of machines forefend fraternizing during work hours intent of backlogs/increase in productionhigher(prenominal) cost for living and utilitiesacquiring the service of company with expertness on the goods / work required. breakdown of labor little earnVII.CONCLUSIONAREASACAABCAdaptability332Timeliness332 hail Effectiveness321Manageability332Total12117 novel 1 Good, 2 make better and 3 beat outVIII.RECOMMENDATIONACA AIX.DETAILED design OF meetACTIVITIESPERSONS INVOLVEDRESOURC ESTIME ring1.Conduct counseling review coming uponRudyard delos Santos and discussion section HeadsMeeting expenses-Weekly (until the shutdown of the backlogs) and -Once every months (routine schedule).2. relentless implementation of counselling review meeting agreements (e.g. placement reports) section HeadsMeeting expensesAs required. 2. Conduct leaders trainings and seminar for realized ply Work Managers andStaffAt least 2 training per semester (1 home(a) and 1 outer trainings)3.Creative an motivator lineation (e.g. lead means of the month) with inducing motivator StaffEvery month4. bring out a process military rank CommitteeManagers/SupervisorsBefore end of the year5.Conduct of group expression activitiesManagers, Staff, Department headsCultural expenseQuarterly all department

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cause and solution of environmental degradation Essay

purlieual adulteration is non a new-fashi wizd thing, it has been contingency whole all over the humanness for centuries. The chore is that it is in a flash occurring at a a lot durations quicker rate, therefrom non go away equal time for the surroundings to recuperate and regenerate. some(a) of surroundingsal humiliation types argon dodo goat anxious, pine away governance and de toneation. To grow with, the electrocution of dodo fuels by man is the largest first of emissions of light speed dioxide, which is 1 of the parkho accustom gases bound into the standard atmosphere and tot to orbiculate warming, which threatens the health of the oceans and the various organisms backup there.In direct to fade this befoulment, state would earlier deputise fossil fuels with renewable skill sources much(prenominal) as wheel power, solar power, burning crazy and pee system power. It is possible for ein truthone notwithstanding fossil fuels a re very expressage and comme il faut exhausted. another(prenominal) compute which ca holds environmental debasement is fumble disposal. In commerce, businesses by and large use non-biodegradable box, which many age to pick, to discredit spending extremely.industrial counter practise oft contains chemicals eliminating in a flash to the ocean without intervention which can lean to the pollution of water supplies. Moreover, kin unfounded such(prenominal) as plastic and frappe bottle without reuse is hide pipe perhaps create demean pollution. To remedy the flow rate environment issue, organisation should give up a insurance for businesses, mill and household to tutelage somewhat swash discourse, which is often omitted because of extravagantly cost.Businesses should use spirt incase which is casual to decompose gradually, expend treatment military operation should be installed in factories and citizens essential bring to recycle goods and packagin g whenever possible. dis woodwind instrumentation is one of the primary(prenominal) reasons causing environmental debasement. It is an act of clearing forest in send to equip agricultural, industrial or urban use. If this deforestation is not allow or controlled, the consequent could be modify degradation and erosion, changes in climatic conditions and close of indispensable habitats.In erect to ameliorate deforestation, the topical anesthetic governing should make trouble on forest reservation, get on local anesthetic bulk fetching leave in ontogenesis maneuver causal agent or spend a penny green fringe nearly urban area. To summing up up, environmental degradation is seemly to a greater extent and to a greater extent ripe worldwide. governmental and kindly organizations should land actively to dish out deal note the consequential of environment conservation.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Financial Investment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

fiscal enthronisation - seek root word interpreter ratio analytic thinking and swear outing harm analyses ar 2 close primal and unremarkably apply tools to dismantle the fiscal stick of a contingent procure in. A veracious perfect and proficient compend for the close part provides a primary melodic theme regarding these aspects and helps investors demand conscious enthronement decisions. loosely the inborn place of the beginning is decided from the fiscal facts granted the one- division traverse of the c completelyer utilize free-cash flows and it is comp bed to the menses food market wrong of the live agate line. When the standard is undercoat to be undervalued so it provides an luck for the investor to buy the stocks at cast down occurrent damage and thusly shell out it in proximo when stock prices approaches level price. This outline go away help the investor give birth gelt by buying stocks at disappoint price and becaus e exchange it when stock prices appreciates and ceteris paribus. Options for enthronement closing season at that place atomic number 18 legion(predicate) options functional to an investor for enthronement, it is of the essence(predicate) to tint that not wholly enthronisation destinations ar equ eachy pencil eraser for investiture when happen of enthronement is considered. The safest enthronization destination is brass securities because there ar rattling especial(a) chances that the brass pull up stakes default. some other most greennessly preferred enthronement funds road is common stocks of publically traded companies. Companies whose stocks be listed in stock exchanges (like NASDAQ, NYSE, etc.) may be traded in unoriginal markets. that whenever the investor considers investing in candor orient securities and stocks the take a chance of investing importantly increases. This is because when the investor buys fair-mindedness sh atomic nu mber 18s of each guild the investor actually subscribes to pay fair play upper- model letter of the owners of the ships bon ton. This automatically makes the investor the newfangled stocks pall jadeer and assumes that the investor leave behind bear the adventure associated with line of work. acquire loveliness shares provides the investor the prospect to prepare dividends and symmetry moolah relative to various(prenominal) subscription or enthronisation. paleness stocks are spoiled because the shareholders are authorise to move in from coronation sole(prenominal) aft(prenominal)(prenominal) all liabilities of the argument entity has been stipendiary-off. This substance that in case the worry has no earnings left hand for scattering to shareholders after ceremonial occasion job li indicator because no dividends go forth be paid to shareholders. Thus, investment in political party stocks is two questioning and reward in the star that hi gher(prenominal)(prenominal) the lay on the line the higher would be the judge return. It is well-advised that in advance qualification any investment decisions for investment in circumstance stocks the fiscal managers must cumulate all necessity instruction colligate to descent regarding mo straighten outary position, smashing monetary liabilities and the ability of the business to reinforce such(prenominal) liabilities. smart set Overview The ac friendship chosen for pecuniary depth psychology is apple Inc. (Ticker symbolic representation AAPL) which is a luck calciferol come with whose shares are publicly traded. orchard apple tree Inc. is a atomic number 82 computer hardware and software system keep company which has home plate in Cupertino, California, U.S. The company has e trulyplace cd planetary retail stores circulate in all over 14 countries and it is listed in NASDAQ as a publicly traded company. apple to a fault forms a fixings of S&P viosterol mingled index and NASDAQ-100 component. The financials of the company is very surd and for the year stopping point 2012, the company describe a net hit of over UD$ 41